What is your favorite size? 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3 or 70cm? Or is it one that isn't listed? Why is it your favorite?
For me I'm still waiting on a 1/12 and a 1/3 to arrive, so I haven't really played with these sizes much. I've seen both sizes and 1/12 is just so tiny I'm not sure I'd enjoy it much. I'm looking really forward to playing with my 1/3, though I've heard they can be a real handfull (get it? haha... I'm not funny I know sorry)
So far 1/4 is my favorite, she's large enough to feel substantial in my hands, yet small enough to not be awkward while posing. (well as unawkward as she can be with me posing her that is)
So now I'd like to hear from you guys. Post your response in the comment section! Or, if you'd rather repost this prompt on your own blog or other platform comment with a link!
So far I've only had Pullips and such, and I only own a lone head haha. However, the thing I don't like from Pullips is that because their body is 1/6 and their head 1/3, i find it rather hard to make them pose because they often look kinda awkward in pictures. I would say that my favorite sizes are 1/4 and 1/3, from what i've seen, though. ^^