
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Azura's BJD Prompts #18: Displays!

How do you display your dolls? Do you have a special shelf? Or do they sit different places in your room to keep you company? Or do you prefer to keep them in their boxes? 

Let us know!


  1. My dolls used to live on shelves in my room with my porcelain dolls and other nick nacks. Then I tacked blackout curtains up in my window and set up a little tableau on the sill with most of my dolls hanging out in chairs...some spilled over onto the neighboring bookshelf and one lived in a hanging grotto I made him from a bird feeder. Now I don't have as much space or really any curtains and they sit on a shelf in my closet or in their boxes/bag I carry 'em around in.

  2. I tried placing them on a shelf for a while, but each time I want to take picture of them it's soooo long to put them there again, each time. So, I sometimes put them back there, but I usually keep them on my night table, in a box, so they are easy to take out.
