
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Azura's BJD Prompts #10: On Location

A great deal of hobbyists enjoy photographing their dolls. If you do where is your favorite photography location? Do you have a room box? Or do you prefer to take your dolls outside? 

Tell us all about it in the comment section!


  1. I prefer taking my dolls outside because lighting and setting tends to be better, but I do frequently end up doing indoor shoots which usually consist of jury rigging a backdrop in a corner somewhere.

  2. I usually prefer keeping them inside because I am terribly scared of anything happening to their clothes or wigs or anything. However we are currently restoring the whole house so there is like not a single place where I can take pretty pictures, because we don't really have floors and the walls are not finished yet. For the moment being I just take pictures on fabrics and such because I can't get any background, and it's way too cold outside to even think about it.
