
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #8.5: New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year! For some of us we're still in 2013, but in many parts of the world its now the new year. So, what is your new years doll resolution? Is it to buy more dolls? Put a hold on dolls until you finish the ones you have? Or maybe its to get that grail doll.

Tell us in the comment section! Can't wait to hear it!

Azura's BJD Prompts #8: Touching

People love to touch our lovely dolls. Even when we may not exactly want them to. Do you mind if people touch your dolls? What do you do about unwanted touching?

Comment with your response!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #7: Favorite Props

What are your favorite props? Why are they your favorite? Where did you get them? 

Comment with your response!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #6: Recasts

This is always a heated topic for debate, for good reason. What are your feelings on recasts? Are they A-okay? Or are they hurting the Hobby? 

Comment with your response!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #5: Pet Peeves

We all have them, Whats something that your fellow hobbyists do that get on your last nerve? Explain why it bothers you. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #4: Doll Boxes

What do you do with your doll boxes? Do you use them as storage, hide them away, or throw them out? If you use them as storage what do you put in them? If you hide them, where do you hide them?

Personally I tend to store things in them. Lily's box has a whole bunch of prop erasers and pony's in it Haha, and Seraphina's box is stored under my bed with her pillows and card. I don't really put anything in that box since its so large.

I'm more interested in what you guys do with yours! 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #3: Doll Cosplay

What are your thoughts on Doll Cosplay? Is it a fun thing to do or do you find it un-creative?

I've seen quite a few Doll cosplays lately and I love them! But I could see how some people could find them not very inspiring since they are made to look like existing characters. I think the amount of effort that goes into a doll cosplay is amazing and I applaud those who have the time and patience to complete them!

But enough about what I think, what do you think? Post your response in the comment section!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #2: Holidays

Winter Holidays are upon us, so this prompt is Holiday themed. If you celebrate Christmas (or another gift giving holiday) do you give your Dolls gifts as well? Do you take Holiday pictures of them? Do you Decorate their space?

I probably would if I had the funds at the moment but since I don't I settled for crocheting Seraphina her Holiday sweater. 

What I'm most interested in, is what you guys do! Post your response in the comments!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #1: Favorite Size

What is your favorite size? 1/12, 1/6, 1/4, 1/3 or 70cm? Or is it one that isn't listed? Why is it your favorite?

For me I'm still waiting on a 1/12 and a 1/3 to arrive, so I haven't really played with these sizes much. I've seen both sizes and 1/12 is just so tiny I'm not sure I'd enjoy it much. I'm looking really forward to playing with my 1/3, though I've heard they can be a real handfull (get it? haha... I'm not funny I know sorry) 

So far 1/4 is my favorite, she's large enough to feel substantial in my hands, yet small enough to not be awkward while posing. (well as unawkward as she can be with me posing her that is)

So now I'd like to hear from you guys. Post your response in the comment section! Or, if you'd rather repost this prompt on your own blog or other platform comment with a link! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #27: Hiding

Do you hide things in your doll's head or body?

O.O I do not. I probably would if I had something that I needed to hide that would fit that I didn't have a better hiding place for, but I don't know that it would really be the best place to hide stuff...

How about you guys?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #26: Pretty vs Poseable!

In this hobby sometimes you have to compromise... When it comes to your dolls, do you go for... Pretty or Poseable?

Oh man...this is hard. I probably go for pretty first and foremost because even if the doll poses like a dream, if it isn't ascetically pleasing I wouldn't enjoy it. I also think it would be easier to help a doll pose better vs. make them prettier, but I really love the look of good jointing systems, they're beautiful all on their own!

So all though I'd love to have the best of both worlds, I think I'd rather my dolls be pretty (or simply look like the character I have in mind) than be perfect posers. 

How about you guys?

Saturday, December 21, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #25: Style!

Your doll's "style"!
Uhh....well...Seraphina is semi fashionable and enjoys wearing loose skirts and leggings with tee-shirts and fairly large poofy dresses. Lily likes to wear cute things! I'm not sure what Yanji's style is going to be yet, I'm still trying to figure him out! And fox I think will probably stay naked for the most part.

Friday, December 20, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #24: Public

Do you bring your dolls out with you? If so where?

Well I've taken Seraphina for short outings in the back yard, and I've taken both her and Lily to a meet up with the local bjd group, but there aren't very many places for interesting photographs around where I live. I probably would bring one of them with me somewhere if I was nervous, or if I knew there were going to be other people with dolls where I was going, or if I knew there would be a great photo op! 

How about you guys?

Thursday, December 19, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #23: Favorite Eyes

What are your favorite type of eyes? Glass? Acrylic? Urethane?

Well to be honest I have no idea. I really like Glass eyes, and I think I like them just a bit better than Acrylic, but I've never had any Urethane (and I don't think I've actually seen a pair in person).

My favorite place to buy eyes is Ersa Flora, she's really nice and her eyes are beatufiul!

How about you guys?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #22: Friends with Dolls

Do you have any friends with BJDs, and have you managed to convert anyone?

I haven't converted anyone so far, but I do have friends with BJDs. My best and closest friend Alisha is the person who got me my first doll (so she converted me!) I also met some friends at my local doll meet, so really its because of BJDs that I met the wonderful people! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #21: Skintones

Do you own dolls with different skintones?

Seraphina is Normal Pink skin and Lily is white skin...but other than that no not as of yet. I do plan on getting at least one tan doll (probably several over the years, I really like that resin color) and one green doll as well. 

How about you guys?

Monday, December 16, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #20: Selling Dolls

Would you ever sell one of your dolls?

There is only one doll I would never ever sell and thats my Dollzone Rosemary. She was given to me by a very close friend, and she is also my very first doll. She's the one doll I could never get rid of. The others will probably come and go, I love Lily, if I thought selling her would help me achieve something I wanted more (assuming I could find a buyer) I probably would sell her. The same thinking applies to the other two dolls that are coming in. They aren't my 'grail' dolls, I liked their sculpts and wanted the size and thats really all that was behind the purchase, but they aren't ones that I can't see myself ever selling.

But my DZ Rosemary is different, she's special and will stay with me always. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #19: Playtime

How do you play with your BJDs?

Well I play with Seraphina and Lily in a few ways! I will often take them outside, or in the house and take a few pictures of them, or I'll make clothes for them to try on. I enjoy just seeing what kind of poses they can be put into as well and often times its quite silly. I find making them things to wear or use just as much fun as actually playing with them and putting them places to take photos! 

As it is I don't typically sit down and play pretend with them, or make up stories around them (Seraphina actually is a character from a novel I've written, but the story didn't come from her if that makes sense) Most of the time I'm content to have them on my doll shelf posed nicely where I can see them every day.

How about you guys? Also, do you have any suggestions for other ways to play?

Saturday, December 14, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #18: BJD Tattoos

Does your BJD have tattoos? Are you looking into getting some for your BJD? What would they be?

Oh gosh I love BJD tattoos! But no, sadly none of my dolls have tattoo's and I don't plan on getting any in the near future. Maybe Yanji will have some when he finally arrives but as it is I see them as a bit too much trouble.

Friday, December 13, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #17: Unfortunate Buys

Have you ever ordered something and it either didn't fit or wasn't what you expected?

YES! I have gone through this with Lily's clothes (my Doll Leaves Fay) I bought several of the wrong size and sucks but what can you do?

Inspirational Toddler

Thursday, December 12, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #15: How many do you own?

How many BJDs do you own? 1? 2? 5? A whole city!?

So far I own two and I have two more on the way. I have a DollZone Rosemary and a Doll Leaves Fay and I love them both! On the way I have a Doll Family A Yanji and a Doll Family A Fox. I can't hardly wait for those ones!

How about you guys?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #4: Favorite Brand/Store

What is your favorite place to buy BJDs? Is it a certain brand's website? Or is it a retailer like Denver Doll Emporium? 

I absolutely love Mint on Card, so far they're the only people I've really ordered from and they've always been very friendly and prompt with any questions or concerns I have. Besides their customer service they have a lovely website thats easy to navigate. I can't tell you how much Junky Spot and Denver Doll Emporium's site design alone put me off.

But thats a retailer, as far as a brand's website I really have no idea. I haven't placed an order with any of them and from what I've noticed a lot of then have very awkward forum like customer service situations instead of private email and answer ones. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

BJD Addict Prompt #3: Fantasy Dolls

What fantasy creature would you like to see as a BJD?

This is a great question, and its difficult to narrow the answer down to just one. There are so many different creatures I would love to see. I think a list might be in order:
  • Elemental's (Especially fire elementals) would be super awesome. 
  • Griffins
  • Wraiths
  • Ents 

There are tons more I could list but I think I'll stop with these. I think the one I'd most like to see would be an elemental or an ent! Of course then there are ones that I've seen as BJD's already that I absolutely adore, such as mermaids, dragons and humanoid flowers.

How about you guys? Comment with what you'd like to see.