
Friday, December 27, 2013

Azura's BJD Prompts #4: Doll Boxes

What do you do with your doll boxes? Do you use them as storage, hide them away, or throw them out? If you use them as storage what do you put in them? If you hide them, where do you hide them?

Personally I tend to store things in them. Lily's box has a whole bunch of prop erasers and pony's in it Haha, and Seraphina's box is stored under my bed with her pillows and card. I don't really put anything in that box since its so large.

I'm more interested in what you guys do with yours! 


  1. I use mine to store doll clothes and props. I don't ever plan to sell my dolls, but I like to have their original boxes to put them into when I move. Once we've got a house I might get rid of some of 'em and get myself a different type of storage for doll things. Or I might find myself too sentimental to ditch the boxes.

    1. I know what you mean on that, I imagine if I ever get more dolls I'll end up getting rid of some of the boxes, but for now they're being used well enough :D Thanks for responding!

  2. I keep all of my boxes. There is no good reason for that, except that I find them really pretty. I feel like it's just some kind of memory of the original doll I guess. idk.
