
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Azura's BJD Prompts #16: Choosing a Sculpt

When choosing a Doll, what do you look for in a face? What catches your eye first? What makes you love them?

Comment below with your responses! (and be sure to check out our sponsors)

1 comment:

  1. I never bought any BJD but I do have 3-4 on a wishlist, that are waiting for me to get the money. I usually don't only look at the face, but at the whole doll. I'm really fond of Enaibi's dolls. I like their super cute faces and features, the fantastic style, the proportions she uses for the busts and hips. I like dolls that have this little something that's special about them. For example, as much as I think MNF Chloe is cute, I think she just looks boring because there is no more than that.
